法律英语 如何翻译 法律(3)
2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
Act of Parliament, “The will of the legislature”.An Act comes into force on the day it receives the Royal Assent, unless otherwise stated. Acts can be public or private, local, general or personal.
Act是由议会或国会正式通过的法令、法案。除非另有说明,法案通常自收到皇室御准之日起生效。法案可以是公共的或私人的、地方的、一般的或个人的。也可译为“法案; 法令; 条例; 公约”等。如:the Housing and Community Development Act (1977), 住房和社区发展法; Black Act (1723), “黑法案”,其中规定任何人都不得为了猎鹿二八连涂黑或伪装起来,否则会被吊死。
A systematical collection, in comprehensive form of laws, e.g., the Code of Hammurabi (18th century BC), produced in Mesopotamia, the Code Napoléon (1804).
法典,是涵盖当时某个法律体系或某方面法律的立法。也指将某一现行的部门法编篡为比较系统的永久有效的法律汇编。如:美国法学会编撰的 The Model Penal Code,模范刑法典;美国各州法律统一委员会和美国法学会编撰的 The Uniform Commercial Code,统一商法典;Code of Written Law,成文法典; the United States Code(U.S.C.), 美国法典; Code of Military Justice, 军事审判法典等。总之,法典是经过整理的比较完备、系统的某一法律的总称,如民法典、刑法典等。
An Act of Parliament. ‘What the statute itself enacts cannot be unlawful, because what the statute says and provides is itself the law and the highest form of law that is known to this country’. A Statute becomes law on a date specified therein, or on the date to be fixed by the Minister. Statutory law or statute law is written law set down by a body of legislature or by a singular legislator (in the case of absolute monarchy). This is as opposed to oral or customary law; or regulatory law promulgated by the executive or common law of the judiciary. Statutes may originate with national, state legislatures or local municipalities. It is a written ordinance of Congress,or another legislative body.
Act of Parliament, “The will of the legislature”.An Act comes into force on the day it receives the Royal Assent, unless otherwise stated. Acts can be public or private, local, general or personal.
Act是由议会或国会正式通过的法令、法案。除非另有说明,法案通常自收到皇室御准之日起生效。法案可以是公共的或私人的、地方的、一般的或个人的。也可译为“法案; 法令; 条例; 公约”等。如:the Housing and Community Development Act (1977), 住房和社区发展法; Black Act (1723), “黑法案”,其中规定任何人都不得为了猎鹿二八连涂黑或伪装起来,否则会被吊死。
A systematical collection, in comprehensive form of laws, e.g., the Code of Hammurabi (18th century BC), produced in Mesopotamia, the Code Napoléon (1804).
法典,是涵盖当时某个法律体系或某方面法律的立法。也指将某一现行的部门法编篡为比较系统的永久有效的法律汇编。如:美国法学会编撰的 The Model Penal Code,模范刑法典;美国各州法律统一委员会和美国法学会编撰的 The Uniform Commercial Code,统一商法典;Code of Written Law,成文法典; the United States Code(U.S.C.), 美国法典; Code of Military Justice, 军事审判法典等。总之,法典是经过整理的比较完备、系统的某一法律的总称,如民法典、刑法典等。
An Act of Parliament. ‘What the statute itself enacts cannot be unlawful, because what the statute says and provides is itself the law and the highest form of law that is known to this country’. A Statute becomes law on a date specified therein, or on the date to be fixed by the Minister. Statutory law or statute law is written law set down by a body of legislature or by a singular legislator (in the case of absolute monarchy). This is as opposed to oral or customary law; or regulatory law promulgated by the executive or common law of the judiciary. Statutes may originate with national, state legislatures or local municipalities. It is a written ordinance of Congress,or another legislative body.