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英译中国现代散文选 笑冰心(3)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
(月亮事实上并没有挂在树梢上,只是视觉上看起来像是挂在树梢上,所以这里用looked as if)
As I passed along,I somewhat sensed the presence of a child by the roadside carrying something snow white in his arms.
After the donkey had gone by, I happened to look back and saw the child, who was barefoot, looking at me smilingly with a bunch of flowers in his arms.
无意中:happen to
向着谁微微的笑:look at sb smilingly
“I seem to have seen the same smile somewhere before!” I was still thinking to myself.
think to oneself 一个人暗自在想
Another scene, a scene of ten years ago, slowly unfolded before my minds eye. Rainwater was falling drop by drop onto my clothes from the eaves of a thatched cottage.
Besides the earthern doorstep, bubbles in puddles of rainwater was whirling about like mad.
Washed by the rain, the wheat fields and grape trellises in front of the cottage door presented a picturesque scene of vivid yellow and tender green.
濯得:Washed by the rain
新黄嫩绿:vivid yellow and tender green
After a while, it cleared up at long last and I hurried down the slope.
天晴:clear up
好容易:(好不容易)at long last
连忙下坡:hurry down the slope