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新西兰枪击案已致49死48伤 幸存者讲述 至暗时刻(3)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷

新西兰枪击案已致49死48伤 幸存者讲述 至暗时刻

警察护送清真寺的人离开。图 via nzherald
19岁的索菲·尼尔斯(Sophie Nears)告诉记者,她的一个朋友也在现场,还给她打了电话,歇斯底里地尖叫着,说自己腿上中了一枪。目前她也不知道这个朋友是否还活着。
He just hung up and I havent been able to get back in contact with him. Ive never heard him cry before. He was screaming that heaps of people were dead and then the line just cut out.
▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)
住在Al Noor清真寺附近的一个年轻人说自己听到了多达20-40次的枪声。很快,就有一名枪击受害者上门求助,他的腿被子弹射中,伤口足足有7厘米。
[The victim said] he didnt see the armed gunman but he heard bullets ringing around, one had just missed his stomach area. He would have had a far more serious injury in that case. he said.
I thought he was making it up ... I didnt realise something of this magnitude could happen in New Zealand. I was just in an utter panic.
“一开始我还以为他在胡编乱造... 我根本没想到新西兰会发生这么大的事。那会儿我完全慌了手脚。”
▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)

新西兰枪击案已致49死48伤 幸存者讲述 至暗时刻
