2023-03-10 来源:你乐谷
4、今天才出来玩一下就被迪士尼带回城堡了我什么时候能有自由啊 苦恼诶 每天坐在金碧辉煌的宫殿吃着精致的小糕点真的好无聊哦。
I just came out to play today and was brought back to the castle by Disney. When can I be free? I feel miserable. It’s really boring to sit in a resplendent palace and eat delicate cakes every day.
5、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。
The book says every girl is a princess, in a broken attic or in a castle.
6、我好累 从一出生就背负了这个年龄不该承受的容貌与智慧 我活得好累迪士尼什么时候营业,我想回家。
I am so tired from birth to bear the age should not bear the appearance and wisdom I live so tired when Disney open, I want to go home.
Today, Disney sent me a letter from a lawyer who said I violated the right to a portrait of their beast
8、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。
The book says that every girl is a princess, whether in a broken attic or a castle.
I just came out to play today and was brought back to the castle by Disney. When can I be free? I feel miserable. It’s really boring to sit in a resplendent palace and eat delicate cakes every day.
5、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。
The book says every girl is a princess, in a broken attic or in a castle.
6、我好累 从一出生就背负了这个年龄不该承受的容貌与智慧 我活得好累迪士尼什么时候营业,我想回家。
I am so tired from birth to bear the age should not bear the appearance and wisdom I live so tired when Disney open, I want to go home.
Today, Disney sent me a letter from a lawyer who said I violated the right to a portrait of their beast
8、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。
The book says that every girl is a princess, whether in a broken attic or a castle.